It would be nice if there was an upside to this type of
movie as it’s a shit excuse for getting material on screen.
This type of movie makes me as angry as this dude
(and I don't care if the picture has copyright, I nicked it, and I'd do it again!)
(and I don't care if the picture has copyright, I nicked it, and I'd do it again!)
Picking up the action from the closing moments of the first
movie, the action in [REC]2 switches
from inside the apartment building in Barcelona where the zombie outbreak is
taking place to the emergency services responding to the crisis, in particular
a SWAT team en route to kick some ass or whatever it is SWAT teams do nowadays.
The boys are tooled up for some serious trouble and are packing assault
weapons, a battering ram, and the ever-popular pump action shotgun. Each of the
SWAT team are sporting the latest in miniature video cameras attached to their
helmets and one of the crew has a broadcast quality video camera with spotlight
as they’ve been ordered to document their activities in the apartments.
Upon arrival the SWAT team are met by a bloke from the
Ministry of Health called Owen who is to go in with them and is in charge. Due
to the nature of the health risks associated with what’s going on inside, the
building has been sealed in plastic and there’s an air-lock type entrance
rigged up, everyone going in has to wear gas-masks, and only Owen can get them
back out as he has a radio with voice recognition which is needed to get the
doors open again.
Once inside Owen tells the lads that the masks were purely
for show as the infection isn’t airborne. He goes on to explain that his
mission is to get to the cause of the outbreak and gather a sample of some
description. As the SWAT team move up through the building they encounter signs
of a bloodbath everywhere but very little activity until they near the
penthouse apartment and meet their first zombies. Once in the penthouse all
hell breaks loose and SWAT team members are lost in an increasingly desperate
fight against rampaging zombies. At this point Owen is forced to reveal that
he’s not actually from the Ministry of Health but is in fact a Catholic
Priest... and the zombies crawling all over the gaff aren’t suffering from some terrible disease at all, but are
actually victims of something far more sinister...
A la tuhuelpa legria macarena, Que tuhuelce paralla legria cosabuena,
A la tuhuelpa legria macarena, Eeeh, macarena!
I enjoyed the first [REC], the quirky little indie horror film from Spain, so I was keen to see the follow-up if for no other reason than to find out how they justified another ninety minutes of raw-footage type film-making. The methods used to get away with this in [REC]2 show a depth not normally seen in a little sequel like this but more often feature in the types of movies where you’ve seen them all before. The SWAT team with the helmet cams are a direct rip from Aliens, but thankfully this is acknowledged by the team leader having a dodgy camera (like Drake did in Aliens) and by one of the team keeping his shotgun close (like Hicks who kept his handy “for close encounters”). Making them bring a big-ass video camera around with them so they could document what goes down is a bit of stretch though especially as Owen flat out states that he and his lot would never let the truth of the outbreak get out.
What’s nice is that this excuse for footage only covers the
first third or so of the film when suddenly it flips over to the recording from
a video camera belonging to some teenagers who were in the middle of orchestrating
a prank on the roof of the building opposite and who, thanks to their pesky
curiosity, get mixed up in the zombie goings-on across the street. Their video
only covers the next third where it again changes to the other video camera in
the building... the one from the first film. Throughout these switches the
timeline is preserved with only brief overlaps in the action to help the
audience keep their bearings. For me, the first-person filming style is getting
really old at this point and unfortunately [REC]2
really overcooks certain pieces, like where the helmet cams record gunplay
which looks so much like a video game that I’m forced to wonder if there’s a
game tie-in somewhere out there. Other scenes then look so much like regular
movie style action that it jars you out of the immersive experience the footage
was meant to induce.
It is important to point out at this point that the way the
movie is filmed is the only failing it has. [REC]2
is excellent! When faced with the challenge of making a sequel to the first [REC] the two lads who returned to the
Directors chairs from the first movie decided to dial everything up as far as
they could and it worked a charm. The SWAT team angle, the nature of the
outbreak, the truth behind the zombies, and the twists near the end are flat
out genius. There are scenes where you want the action to take a sinister turn
– and it does!!! Adults kill children, children kill adults, and zombies kill
everyone regardless of age. There’s blood everywhere, a decent religious angle,
guns, mayhem, and videotape.
The issues around subtitles in a fast paced film persist
from the original but that just can’t be helped as anything is better than
dubbing, except maybe a tiny little person in the corner of the screen doing
sign-language; everyone hates that shit, even the deaf.
Aquí hay algunos enlaces de Internet para usted!:
Time to learn Spanish.